Call Me Zhi!

Born with name Azizah Ananda on 22th September 1994 in the most gorgeous island that Indonesia ever had, Lombok! yuhuuu (what-.-). Had stayed at Malang and learn Graphic Design Multimedia for 2 years and currently studying fashion communication in Bandung.

Im just ordinary girl whos still learn how to put make up on, and id love to spent my times browsing, blogging, drwing, reading, writing and daydreming. I love doing stupid things, learn many things, easily attract with new things, taking snap of randoms things, and i love to laugh a lot.

I have moodswing, so its not that easy to deal with me. They said im egoist and actually i know i am. But i have simple moodbooster, like coffee, book, smile, friends, bookstore, rain, beach  and sky.   

Dying to know me more ? :p go stalk me at :  
Facebook : Azizah Ananda Madani
Instagram : @justzhi
Twitter : @zhimadani 
Email : azizah(dot)ananda(at)yahoo(dot)com

4 komentar:

  1. hai azizah,. salam kenal.
    eh,.aku sukak banget sama desain blogmu. keren dehh,.
    tanya-tanya boleh gak?
    aku pengen ngerti gimana caranya bikin arsip sama link blog temen tapi pake scroll gitu. rapi jadinyaa.. bagus deh.. pengen jugak.

  2. @armae hei juga kak...salam kenal. makasi ya, boleh-boleh, sy senang bisa ngebantu :D

  3. walopun aku gag suka hujan...tapi aku sukaa blogmu zhie...bagus.....;))


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